Advancing the Digital Economy for Sustainable Growth in Asia is an online lecture series that is provided by ADBI, or Asian Development Bank Institute, this ADBI’s E-Learning website is online course fall under ADBI’s Capacity Building and Training’s Priority Themes and are taught by top subject experts. It is much appropriate if you’re interested in learning sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.
If you would like to join it, firstly you have to make an account on their website, then you can enroll to any course you wish.
Now, I would like to share a bit of lesson that I’ve learnt throughout this course, and how will I apply this new insight to my life. Before that, I’ll just inform that the course itself is divided into 2 units:
Unit 1: E-Commerce in Asia
- E-commerce development in Asia
- Promoting e-commerce in rural areas
- E-commerce and entrepreneurship
Unit 2: Fintech and Financial Inclusion
- Fintech development in Asia
- Fintech and financial inclusion for households and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Fintech regulation
and it takes about 45 minutes to complete the course.
For the lecturer itself her name is Bihong Huang, she is a Research Fellow, at Asian Development Bank Institute.
Through this lecture I gained lots of things, one of them is about the major obstacles that occurs in rural areas, such as financial services, there are still many peoples who haven’t the credit card yet, then the second one is about the infrastructure, such as access to internet, ICT facilities, logistics and delivery services, there is also an obstacle in knowledge & skills, they are lack of computer literacy, and trust in platform transactions, which sometimes I personally believe that it affected by their cultural belief who avoid the globalization product. After I got the idea of how the computer skills affect to e-commerce growth, I would just think of improving my computer knowledge, or if I could have an opportunity for helping the society in rural areas along with my colleagues, I may help them in building of trust, making them feel directly about how the benefits of e-commerce in helping out of their small business.
Thank you for providing this course Asian Development Bank Institute!
Here is my certificate of completion