Life at College

Highlights & Lessons of the Week – 4th Week

Photo by Thalia Karr on Unsplash

~ College Notes to Myself ~ Day 16# – 19th September 2022, Monday.

Today’s Highlights

First time doing the dialogue task with my peer Galih, the method of language learning that I’ve been waiting for, though we were done it through virtual meeting, but it was all fun.

Today’s Lesson

Always remember to re-check your assignment before you send it your teacher, I almost send the broken video, I actually wanted to ask Galih back to make a new one, but it seemed that I had found the idea on how to fix it, then I fixed my broken zoom video record.

~ College Notes to Myself ~ Day 18# – 21st September 2022, Wednesday.

Today’s Highlights

It was one of my favorite day! (though I even was struggling to write my name in cursive style ). My lecturer was really forced the students to understand the Russian Cursive alphabet, he told us that to get used to the Cursive alphabet than the cyrillic one, then after we graduate we can understand both style.

Another highlight on this day was, I finally received my Student Identity Card! I was really glad to know and just want to consider myself as the official Undergraduate Student here at University of Indonesia.

~ College Notes to Myself ~ Day 19# – 22th September 2022, Thursday.

Today’s Highlights

Another lovely day, as we got asked to make a video on topic of family. I’m sorry I cannot share it here, I love my video but unfortunately I filmed it in the middle of raining 🙁 , so the background sound heard unclear.

Today’s Lesson

Reza, Fahreza. Listen to me! It’s okay if you send your assignment later on, whether it’s writing on paper or word, or making video like this one, you don’t have to be the number one in terms of whom person send the first one, but you must to be the number one in terms of quality of your work. So, please do not make it in a rush, if you still plenty of time, use it wisely by producing the very best work you can produce.

Some words to close this week?

This week was better than the last one that I got, and I thought that this week I’m kind of more motivated and ambitious. Well, I dare to say if this week can be marked as my best performance at college so far.